Our Mission

Our mission: Babies Saved. People redeemed. Culture Transformed.

Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

Our mission is to help the Body of Christ raise her voice and advance the work of Jesus to give LIFE.  The goal is to offer abundant life to all people – from the womb through adulthood – and to help create a culture of life for a society that is yearning for hope. We aim to produce media content that is used by God to help shift hearts and minds, and ultimately the culture, for His Kingdom by...

1.) Publishing content that helps people see the beauty of every human life, and in turn helps make abortion unthinkable in our nation and around the world.  We will RAISE OUR VOICES for those in the womb who are unable to speak for themselves.

2.) Publishing messages of TRUTH with LOVE for all people.

3.) Publishing media in partnership with other like-minded non-profit organizations, in order to help them advance their influence.

Our MethoD: Speaking the truth in Love.

Love without truth is impotent. Truth without love is just noise. But the TRUTH joined with LOVE can carry the power of God to truly transform a life...and to transform a culture. We're committed to producing media content that speaks the TRUTH in LOVE, and we are trusting God to powerfully impact lives and the culture as a result.

Our means: Media Production.

All over the world, people carry around little "media portals" everywhere they go: smart phones. When they return to their homes, they have several other "media portals", which they also view and even gather around with their families (tablets, computers, TVs, etc.).  Even in very poor areas of the world some people who don't even own shoes still own smarts phones. An extremely useful and strategic network is set up to be able to impact millions of people, of all ages, backgrounds, and worldviews.

It's time for attractive and powerful media messages from the Body of Christ to fill the airwaves - to go out to the masses.

It's time to RAISE OUR VOICES as God's people in order to impact lives with God's truth, through high quality media production.

Our founders


Dan and Hilary Hughes have been married since 2012, and have three awesome children.  They love Jesus, and their aim is to follow and obey Him in all that they do.  They desire for all people to know His amazing love and saving power.

Dan is a graduate of Michigan State University and Hilary is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University.  Dan's professional background is in IT project management and enterprise-level consulting, with a little over a decade of professional experience in the corporate business world prior to he and Hilary founding RaiseYourVoice Media Productions.  Hilary has a full-time job of being a homeschool teacher and stay-at-home mother.

Dan and Hilary founded RaiseYourVoice in 2019, without knowing exactly where it would go, but with fire on the inside to take forward steps in faith.  Media production burns in their hearts because of how powerful of a tool video and other forms of media can be for influencing people all around the world with God's voice, with God's love, with God's life-long and eternal saving power.

Dan and Hilary have heard and said "YES" to the call to partner with others in the Body of Christ to help them raise their voices for the voiceless, to publish the Gospel, to make disciples of Jesus, and to help shift the culture with God's Kingdom of LIFE on the earth.